Friday, January 1, 2010

The Night Train To Singapore

Our last day in KL was mostly spent shopping. There are a lot of little outlet shopping centers to get great knock off products and some real brand name products. It's really hard to tell what you are getting though at them so it's probably better to not trust anything unless you go to one of the higher class malls where everything is double the price of things you can find in America. Anyway, the shopping experience was pretty successful because for about $50, I got a couple new shirts, some pants and some shorts. Sweet.

To get to Singapore, we took an overnight train which leaves KL at 9:30 and gets to Singapore 11 hours later. We had a first class cabin with bunk beds, our own bathroom, a shower, and a TV. It was a pretty fun experience and Liz definitely was laughing at my inflated giddiness for being on a train. Sleeping was pretty good except I kept dreaming of being in an earthquake, and the fact that we had to get up at 6 in the morning for immigration and customs pretty far outside Singapore.

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