Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brain Candy

The only other time I have flown trans-Pacific was from Hong Kong to San Francisco in 2006 (those of you who are not long-time readers of the Erik and Liz travel blog series might be wondering how I got to Hong Kong without flying trans-Pacific, for details of the journey, please see my blog for that trip: I managed to pull myself through that long haul by keeping myself entertained by re-reading "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and it worked wonders. I was barely aware that I was on a 12 hour plane ride.

In preparation for this trip, I though maybe some similar brain candy would be needed. Something the doesn't require too many brain cells to process, but is interesting enough to keep me awake and make me forget that I have no circulation in my butt. I happened to be in Walgreens the day before leaving and they had a trade paper version of Twilight so I decided that might be a good option to try, stiking with the young adult fantasy genre.

I am happy to report that the 18 hours of travel to get to Hong Kong went by pleasantly fast, but I can't give Twilight all the credit. The on demand movies helped a lot. As for Twilight, its an easy read, and interesting, but I definitely fell asleep a few times mid sentence (anything that will put you to sleep on a plane is a good thing thoug, right?). That said I am having a hard time seeing what all the hype is about. Seriously, a 104 year old dude with a 17 year old girl, eeewwwww.


  1. My friends convinced me to watch New Moon with them, but I had to watch Twilight first. Perhaps, they were anti-hyped to me, but as fantasy movies they weren't bad; they had good production value. And although I'm not sympathetic to the traditional gender roles, I am happy to see that message and perhaps other mormon references wrapped up in the guise of a modern fantasy monster love story.

  2. I think the movie toned down the creepiness of the whole situation a lot. There was even a section in the book where they have this conversation that went something like, vampires exist, therefore evolution can't be true. I wanted to barf!
