Monday, December 21, 2009

Restaurant Marketing in Hong Kong

Before leaving on this trip, I decided that our travels would be much easier if I gave up being a vegetarian for the duration (though eating vegetarian when possible). Even when not trying to be a vegetarian though, I have to say, seeing an entire duck carcass in the window of a restaurant (yes, I mean the whole thing, including the head, this isn't a rotisserie chicken) is not a way to entice me in. Really, I don't eat something if I can see its face. Also, I would rather not be eating and looking at the face of the food of my neighbor).


  1. Ha! Ha! Ha! Its tough to be a vegetarian and even tougher in the region where you are.....consciousness though is far more important.....

  2. They do the whole duck in the window thing in some of the Mountain View restaurants, or used to anyway. I always thought it was odd marketing given the demographics of the people eating in the area (white and Indian mostly)
